Capable of destroying the Holy Grail's tendrils.Outran quicksand alongside the other Phantom Thieves.Helped overpower Shadow Okumura, whose cognitive world was filled with stars.Fought with Yaldabaoth and could damage his arms.Over Guard: The strongest armor in Persona 5.Sudarsana: Morgana's strongest ranged weapon.Claímoh Solais: The strongest melee weapon Morgana owns.Evade Elec: Raises the evasion rate against electric attacks.Salvation: A spell that fully heals all allies and heals all ailments.Wind Amp: Significantly boosts the power of wind spells.
Magarudyne: A powerful wind spell that targets all enemies.Mediarahan: A spell that fully heals all allies.Masukunda: A spell that lowers evasion and accuracy on all foes for three turns.Garudyne: A powerful wind spell that targets one enemy.
Wind Boost: Boosts the power of wind spells somewhat.Miracle Punch: A moderately powerful physical spell that targets one enemy and has a high critical hit ratio.Magarula: A moderately powerful wind spell that targets all enemies.Mediarama: A spell that heals a moder amount of damage on all allies.Wind Break: Removes wind resistance on one foe.
Recarm: A spell that revives one ally with half health. Garula: A moderately powerful wind spell that targets one enemy. Diarama: A spell that heals a moderate amount on one ally. Me Patra: A spell that dispels rage, fear, and confusion on all allies. Magaru: A weak wind spell that targets all enemies. Lucky Punch: A weak physical attack with a high critical hit ratio. Media: A weak healing spell that heals all allies. Patra: A spell that dispels rage, fear, and confusion on one ally. Dia: A weak healing spell that targets one ally. Garu: A weak wind attack that targets one enemy. Shapeshifting: Can transform into a car. Intangibility: Zorro and Mercurius only. Stamina: High (Can explore palaces for hours and go through dozens of fights without giving in) Intelligence: Above Average (Seems to know quite a bit about the world and is especially skilled as a thief) Hax: Flight (Personas only), Intangibility (Personas only), Regeneration, Healing, Resistance to Time Stop, Status Effect Inducement, Reality Warping, BFR, and Existence Erasure (The Holy Grailed tried and failed to erase the Thieves) Speed: Massively Faster than Light+ (Comparable to Joker, who has multiple feats on this tier, capable of dodging the Big Bang Challenge)ĭurability: At least Universe Level+, likely Low Multiverse Level (Survived extensive torture from Yaldabaoth) They were later joined by Ann Takamaki, who made the fourth member of the newly established Phantom Thieves of Hearts.Īttack Potency: Universe Level+, likely Low Multiverse Level (Contributed to the fight with Yaldabaoth) When real life issues with Kamoshida became too pressing, the three banded together to stop Kamoshida in the cognitive world. Morgana later met Ryuji Sakamoto and Ren Amamiya, creating a temporary truce between the three as they tried to find a way out of the palace. Morgana did, however, have memories of the mysterious cognitive world. Morgana took the form of a cat-like creature, but had amnesia and did not remember his past. Morgana appeared mysteriously in the palace of Suguru Kamoshida, which was a creation of his subconscious mind.